GoGo Ashe
Dance Variation | Circa 2016
League of Legends
Timeframe: 1 Month

Purple dance knit fabric, E6000 glue, craft foam, gold acrylic paint, black elastic, velcro & gold trim
Made Items
Cape and hood with shoulder armor, purple wrap top, fingerless gloves, purple high waisted skirt & garters
Bought Items
White wig, contacts from Uniqso, gold bra, gold cuffs, purple thigh highs & gold boots
The Fan-Art Fiasco
When I was researching reference images of Ashe, I found a (unknown to me) fan-art version of her in alternate colors. Since I'm not a League of Legends player, and this cosplay was for a gogo team theme, I didn't know I was making the outfit in the COMPLETELY WRONG COLORS!

My first time working with
craft foam for armor
Luckily I must have had enough of the small details right that very rarely did I receive criticism from the change in colors.
Photography by
Jonathan Maxwell